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"Unlocking the Traits of Taurus: A Closer Look at the Second Sign in the Zodiac" By: Mikayla Davis

Updated: Apr 26

Taurus: April 20-May 20

Taurus Season is upon us! As we welcome the balancing energy of this season, take the time to ground yourself. My favorite way to ground (although simple, it is very effective) is to go outside into the grass barefoot. Often times I like to close my eyes and imagine roots sprouting from my feet reaching deep into the earth, and at the core is a huge ball of light. As I inhale, that light travels up my roots from my feet, all the way to the top of my head. As I exhale, I release any unwanted energy or thoughts that no longer serve me. I let them trickle down through the roots to be returned to that ball of light (LOL, yes like Mother Earth is an energy recycling center). An affirmation for Taurus: "As I ground myself in the beauty of the present, I trust in the abundance that flows into my life, knowing that my perseverance and dedication shape my destiny". Taurus, your natural connection to the earth and your ruling planet Venus provides you with a love for life's simple pleasures and the ability to see beauty in all things. Use this affirmation to remind you of your inner strength and the prosperity that comes from being true to your nature.

Taurus (represented by the bull in astrology) is tied to the story of Europa in Greek mythology. To summarize, it is well known that Zeus had many love affairs. In this tale he had his eye on the daughter of the King of Phoenicia, Princess Europa. Up to this point she had lived a sheltered life in her father's palace, which left her naive of the outside world. One night a woman came to her in a dream and said she would take her to Zeus. The next day Europa and a group of young maidens were out picking flowers by the sea. Zeus, enamored by her beauty, decided to transform himself into a beautiful white bull with horns that resembled jewels and a silver crescent moon on his forehead. Europa was mesmerized by this bull and decided to climb upon it's back. Zeus, as the bull, then carried her off to the island of Crete. There he showed Europa his true form and professed his love for her. They became lovers, and it is believed that the woman who appeared in her dream was Aphrodite (Goddess of love and beauty). From then on, the continent where Zeus took Europa was known as Europe. She ended up having three children there. Zeus placed the bull in the stars representing the constellation for Taurus.

Taurus rules over the second house of the zodiac wheel. The second house reflects money, material possessions, resources, and values. Although prominent Taurus placements can often be stereotyped as high maintenance, insisting on quality is only in their Venusian nature. It is not always reflected in a shopping spree. Taurus values security and their creature comforts. Often times it is not only to the betterment of themselves but also their flock. To be loved by a Taurus is to be well provided for. "In Taurus we stop, take stock, consolidate, and create something of real and lasting beauty" this quote from The Secret Language of Astrology by Roy Gillett, reflects the beautiful and practical nature of Taurus. Taurus is the first of the fixed signs representing the middle of spring. People with prominent placements in Taurus can be stubborn. They do not like to be out of their element and can have a hard time dealing with sudden change. Unlike their predecessor Aries, Taurus refuses to be rushed into decisions. They like to take their time and can sometimes be given the stereotype of laziness; however, a Taurus' true nature is to savor life. They will be the ones to indulge in life's pleasures like smelling the roses or savoring a high-quality meal. You will find that a lot of Taurus' would rather pay more upfront for quality possessions to ensure longevity. Being ruled by Venus, Taurus has an eye for beauty. They exude a sense of humble regality (not necessarily in the boldness we think of in Leo) but if you cross the line with them, they can have a wicked temper. Taurus is all about indulging in the senses. They want to eat well, be in an environment that is esthetically pleasing, and look well put together. Taurus is the first of the earth signs. They plant their roots deep and love to be immersed in nature (do they really need another house plant? LOL yes, yes they do). I like to think about how Mother Earth provides us with all the basic resources of life. The food we eat, the materials we use to build shelter, the beauty of watching the flowers bloom, the undeniable energetic connection of holding a crystal. Taurus' connection with value of resources, is a reflection of the bounty of the earth and the richness of taking the time to indulge in the pleasures of these resources. The neck and throat are ruled by Taurus in astrology. Often you may notice certain Taurus placements have a soothing speaking voice, or a beautiful singing voice. You might be able to spot a Taurus by their swan-like neck.

In the sign of Taurus: the Moon is exalted, and Mars is in detriment.

Taurus Sun: People with this placement can appear to be shy at first. They tend to want to stay home surrounded by their comforts, however if you are in their circle they can be great hosts. This sign is dependable but stubborn. They may love to shop, surrounding themselves with luxury. However, if not disciplined they can be a bit of a pack rat. An underdeveloped Taurus Sun may be possessive or even greedy, it is through self-reflection that they may learn material indulgence does not always guarantee security. Sun in Taurus people have strong endurance, they see things through. Taurus Sun is loyal, dedicated, and trustworthy, with a realistic approach to life. They value tradition and security to build a solid foundation in life. Celebrities with Sun in Taurus: Megan Fox, William Shakespeare, Adele, Stevie Wonder, Cher, and Enrique Iglesias.

Taurus Moon: The moon is exalted in Taurus. This placement is reflective and will take their time to make a final decision. However, once they make it, there is no changing their mind. Moon in Taurus is resourceful, responsible, and practical. They may dabble in some form of artistic hobby or have a creative profession. Taurus moon is romantic, loyal, and elegant. They have a gracious quality about them, and it is in their nature to comfort others, striving to make their loved ones feel appreciated. Taurus moon values security and comfort. If not careful this placement can stay at a job or in a relationship to long, feeling they need the security even when it is time to move on. Taurus grounds the chaotic nature of the emotional moon. This makes Taurus moons great nurturers, and they love to be nurtured in return. Celebrities with Moon in Taurus: Demi Lovato, Dr. Carl Jung, Meryl Streep, Kobe Bryant, Zendaya, and Prince Harry.

Taurus Rising (Ascendant): This placement will come off as chill and easy-going. They are careful and often will observe and listen rather than initiating conversation. However, if you engage them, they have this charming and hospitable quality about them. Many Taurus risings have a gift for music. People with this placement are givers, wanting to take care of their loved ones (sometimes this can be detrimental if they are prioritizing other's needs over their own. It can make them feel devalued). Sometimes Taurus ascendants can be stuck in their ways, too stubborn to embrace change. They can be jealous of others wealth and compare what they have to others. Being ruled by Venus, Taurus rising has a deep appreciation for art, beauty, and comfort. They have a strong connection to the material world. Often you can find them enjoying sensory experiences like eating good food, physical touch, and treating their homes as an oasis. Celebrities with Taurus Ascendant: Miley Cyrus, Evan Peters, Michelle Obama, Steve Harvey, Alicia Keys, and Robert Pattinson.

Taurus Mercury: This placement takes a practical approach to communication. Often times this is a great placement for giving stable advise and they often like to tell others what has worked for them. However, when it comes to taking advice, they can be stubborn. Taurus mercury can have the mentality of being the wisest person in the conversation. The only way to change their mind is to provide substantial evidence that a change would benefit them in the long run. This placement is observant and tends to have a good memory. Taurus mercury will not commit to a project unless they feel fully prepared. You might find that a Taurus mercury tends to repeat themselves or say the same thing in multiple ways to try to get their point across. Many people with this placement find comfort in reading and may also have a knack at handling money.

Taurus Venus: Venus is at home in Taurus. People with this placement are hopeless romantics on the inside with a practical shell on the outside. They are not necessarily going to be the type to do a grand gesture, however they will listen to what you say you value and apply that when it comes to showing you love. They are amazing friends and lovers; however, they will take their time when deciding on whether they want to have a relationship with you. Are you worthy of a Taurus Venus' affection? This placement is a very passionate lover, however if not mature can be possessive and smothering in relationships. Taurus Venus hates to see mistreatment of others and will stand up for their friends. However, they do not always apply that mentality to themselves. If not careful, they can be pushed over. In relationships they may try to justify a person treating them poorly out of convenience. Taurus Venus, sometimes you have to take off the rose-colored glasses and make sure that they actually are deserving of your commitment, not just romanticizing a situation to avoid change. Affection and creativity are what provides a Taurus Venus with stability. Beware of overindulgence. Taurus Venus' are lucky when it comes to money.

Taurus Mars: Mars is in detriment while in Taurus. This can be a conflicting placement because Mars is naturally quick moving while Taurus likes to take its time. However, it does have some benefits, when it comes to reaching their goals. Taurus Mars has the mentality of "slow and steady wins the race". Often times their calculated plans to move up the chain at work come to fruition. This placement is often financially successful and if not disciplined may become a "big spender". Taurus mars will not immediately jump when offended, but they never forget. In the moment, they will let it roll off their shoulders, however if you persist eventually, they will hit a breaking point. When that happens beware, of their wrath. Taurus mars can work on trying to see others point of view when it comes to collaborating on a project. They can be stuck in their ways.

Taurus Jupiter: Jupiter in Taurus is an interesting placement. Taurus represents the materialistic world, while Jupiter is all about expanding. People with this placement may be lucky when it comes to acquiring assets and wealth. People with this placement might like to collect things of beauty (art, jewelry, etc.). A Jupiter Taurus may benefit from a position where they can work from home or a creative job. Someone with this placement will take their time to cultivate their dream life. They tend to be on the conservative side with money, only splurging upon occasion, ensuring financial security. Jupiter in Taurus may try to express their love through acts of service. They will do whatever it takes to meet their goals, however they can get tunnel vision and lose sight of what's important in that moment.

Taurus Saturn: Taurus in Saturn people take the responsibility of obtaining assets and financial security seriously. Although they usually don't come to financial freedom until later in life, if not careful they can become restless with the pursuit of material gain and forget to take a break. Later in life they may be more inclined towards generosity because they remember what it was like to be in fear of struggling financially. They tend to be deterred from people who flaunt their wealth, viewing it as immature. They want to cultivate stability for their loved ones, being the main drive for working so hard.

In summary, Taurus is a steadfast and grounded sign. Taurus is constantly reminding us to indulge in life's pleasures. Do you have any planets in Taurus? What house does Taurus fall in your chart? If you like what you saw in the photos feel free to shop our website for our favorite Taurus finds. Thank you so much for reading and stay tuned for more of the astrology blog series!

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