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"Unveiling the Traits of Aries: The First Sign of the Zodiac" By: Mikayla Davis

Updated: Apr 26

Aries: March 21-April 19

Welcome to Aries season, a time of rebirth. As we enter into the astrological new year, take the time to set some goals and be blessed with the energetic backing of this season to implement them. I'd like to start off with an affirmation for Aries: "I am powerful. I am persistent. I am an Aries, and I will overcome!" Aries (meaning "ram" in Latin) is historically tied to the Greek myth involving the ram with the golden fleece. Chrysomallos was a ram with the ability to fly, and speak, and very famously had a golden fleece.

In summary, this golden fleeced ram was tasked with saving the children of Nephele (Phryxus and Helle), who were endangered by her husband's second wife, Ino. Chrysomallos was successful in rescuing the children and heading east with them. Phryxus made it to Colchis, however, Helle fell off of the Ram's back and drowned in the Dardanelles. The straight was named "Hellespoint" by the Greeks to honor her. After flying to Colchis, Chrysomallos instructed Phryxus to sacrifice him to the Gods and lay his golden fleece in the grove of Ares. Chrysomallos was placed in the stars as the constellation Aries and the golden fleece became the quest for Jason and the Argonauts. This myth really speaks to the heroic nature of Aries, one who will always rise to the occasion of a challenge, who is willing to sacrifice for who and what they believe in.

Aries rules the first house of identity in the zodiac wheel. If you have met an Aries, you know that they typically do not shy away from letting you know what they think, for better or worse they make an impression. Aries is the first of the cardinal signs, symbolizing the beginning of spring. As spring awakens, and the days grow longer, we plant our seeds and put in the work needed to yield our bounty. Aries don't shy away from a challenge; they are ready to spring into action at any time. They have the determination to reach their goals.

However, if not careful, you can often find Aries with a long list of started but never finished projects. It is important for someone who is heavily Aries influenced to see their projects through and strive towards organization. Aries is ruled by Mars. Mars is expressed well in Aries due to its action-oriented nature. Aries tend to be impulsive, assertive, adventurous, and competitive. Aries is the first of the fire signs, and a spark can easily burst into a blazing fire if not carefully and thoughtfully tended to. If not disciplined, Aries can come off as hot-headed, immature, impatient, and combative.

Although an Aries' first instinct may be to act before they think, it can be beneficial at times. Aries people tend to exhibit bravery and the necessary split decision-making skills needed for first responders, successful military leaders, and accomplished athletes. Aries' willingness to take risks, competitive nature, and leadership qualities make them well-suited to be entrepreneurs. People with prominent Aries placements tend to love adventure, they are always trying something new to challenge themselves. You will find them in new classes, trying new foods, and being out and active.

If an Aries is offended, they will be the first to jump and tell you exactly what they think, however, they do not tend to hold grudges. Aries are quick to forgive. Leading with passion, Aries directly expresses themselves with freedom that is almost childlike in demeanor. Aries are not concerned with what others may think of them, they are confident. If an Aries trusts you, they will give you everything including the shirt off their backs. Aries have a primal way of following their passions, they lead with charm and charisma. Aries need inspiration to keep their fire going. If their heart is not in a project, they will not stick around. Aries can be some of the funniest friends to have at a party, their quick wit makes for great comedy.

The head is ruled by Aries in astrology, often you may notice Aries placements with prominent foreheads, or beautiful hair being their best feature. These placements also may be more prone to headaches.

In the sign of Aries: the Sun is exalted, Venus is in detriment, and Saturn is in fall.

Aries Sun: People with this placement are going to shine brightly and confidently like the sun. This is a strong placement for the sun, and overall Aries Sun people tend to have this blind optimism about them. They are entertaining to be around.

Celebrities with Sun in Aries: Elton John, Lady Gaga, Diana Ross, Lil Nas X, and Kourtney Kardashian.

Aries Moon: People with Moon in Aries feel and react to emotional matters with intensity. They are sensitive, impulsive, and authoritative. Some with this placement may feel that they grew up fast. They can be emotional firecrackers, however after the burst of emotion is over, Aries Moons are quick to forgive and move on.

Aries Moons may feel the need to be a hero and will be the first to jump into an emergent situation to lend a hand. They often question authority and like to draw their own conclusions. Aries Moons are extremely driven and often are successful, however, if there is no work-life balance they can become restless.

Celebrities with Moon in Aries: Angelina Jolie, Rhianna, Kendall Jenner, P!nk, and Daniel Radcliffe.

Aries Rising (Ascendant): People with this placement are go-getters. They are headstrong, and persistent when pursuing goals. Aries Rising tends to have a strong sense of self and prefers independence. Their can-do attitudes and optimistic outlook make them great problem solvers. Aries Rising has to be passionate in all they are doing or run the risk of fizzling out. People with an Aries ascendant have strong likes and dislikes and do not shy away from letting people know. They are typically the leader of any friend group and often want to be the ones to decide the restaurant.

Aries Rising would rather get to the point, and not beat around the bush. They tend to handle conflict straight on, and if not careful can come across as a person who likes to butt heads with others. Aries ascendants can be accident-prone due to their impulsivity when making decisions. Yeah... maybe in hindsight jumping off the cliff because someone dared you may not have been the best plan.

Celebrities with Aries Rising (Ascendant): Barbra Streisand, Diana Ross, Stevie Nicks, Shaquille O'Neal, and Lin Manuel Miranda.

Aries Mercury: Aries Mercury have to be careful to not constantly put their foot in their mouth. Oftentimes, this placement speaks before they think. However, this can also be a benefit when an Aries Mercury can quickly wittingly talk themselves into an opportunity they are after. Sometimes being the first to speak up can open doors over sitting and waiting. Aries Mercury are going to get straight to the point, they will not sugar-coat the conversation. This placement is expressive when they speak (whether that be positive or negative).

Aries Mercury has intense intellectual potential and often may have many "brilliant ideas" at once. The key for this placement is to organize those thoughts. It is easy to get distracted at the rate their mind thinks. Aries Mercury will often strive to look at the bright side and want to encourage others to reach their goals. They make great hype people!

Aries Venus: Venus is in detriment while in Aries. This can be a difficult place for Venus with its ruler Libra being opposite of Aries. Aries Venus may be prone to infatuation and fall into a relationship impulsively. They often are the type to believe in "love at first sight". This placement can make for fiery and passionate lovers, but they like it to be on their terms. These placements may benefit from having a bachelor/bachelorette period before deciding to settle down. This placement may be more likely to make impulse purchases if not financially disciplined.

Aries Mars: Mars is at home in Aries. This placement has an unquestionable confidence about them, and they know it! Aries Mars is hard-working, competitive, and pioneering when it comes to their goals and careers. Mars in Aries wants to win, making them great politicians, athletes, and businesspeople. This placement is youthful, full of energy, and is constantly rising to the next challenge. They can come across as blunt and eager to beat out the competition.

Aries Jupiter: This placement leads with blinding optimism. They have to be careful that their pursuits are realistic, they often bite off more than they can chew. They truly have big dreams and high standards for goals, however, if they lack the focus, they can oftentimes be left with many unfinished projects. Aries Jupiter has strong willpower and is willing to take big risks for a potentially big payout. This placement values their freedom and works best when they are able to do things in their own way. Jupiter ignites innovation in Aries, informed by their intuition. This placement may rely on their gut to make a decision, and often are lucky in the outcome.

Aries Saturn: Saturn is in fall when in Aries. This placement can be a difficult one until discipline is learned. Aries is impulsive and impatient, while Saturn likes to take its time. People with this placement may feel that they are always climbing an uphill battle. They may have to overcome many obstacles before reaching success. Success often comes later in life for Aries Saturn. Through the struggles, Aries in Saturn people build a strong and disciplined character. This placement can come off as authoritative or disciplinarian. Aries Saturn has an independent nature and can be hard on themselves.

In Summary, Aries is a dynamic and energetic sign. Leading the zodiac into battle, Aries is always up for the challenge. Do you have any planets in Aries? What house does Aries fall into in your chart? If you like what you saw in the photos feel free to shop our website for our favorite Aries finds. Thank you so much for reading and stay tuned for more of the astrology blog series!

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